• Eastern Chamber held a workshop entitled (growth companies in the 21st century) in Khafji


    Eastern Chamber held a workshop entitled (growth companies in the 21st century) in Khafji

    Held in the East Chamber Al Khafji branch recently the workshop (corporate growth in the 21st century) which was attended by a number of conservative businessmen and interested leaderships from companies. The workshop saw the work paper presented Dr Nader ashjy interaction by attendees discussed the ideas and their role in leadership development and company together, ashjy speaks for the best companies in addition to accelerated growth process by focusing on the needs of managers and executives, giving them the opportunity for creativity. During the workshop, ashjy stressed the need for support staff, adding that any employee is supported and subjected to a good training program will be reflected on the performance of the company and contribute to its development.
    Back to company dividends or working methodology reduces the cost and waste, love and cooperation between President and Executive produces positive results tha made some models for companies including Google, Microsoft, IBM and others and made some studies that have contributed to knowledge of methods of growth and that it took some three years to five years, which was a survey of executives in companies which showed that ten points for executives was that they wish to provide the estimator contributes to the success of the company through their places. Ashjy reviewed the experiences of a group of innovators who are shaping the future of business in the world through their ideas and their banner.
    Ashjy said during the workshop that some companies cannot cope with the changes of the times, making them collapse, pointing out that the only way to emerge and stand out from the others is that the production company one-time thing. This is the corporate managers and entrepreneurs understand the win and achieve success in business by rethinking how the workflow where they invented new ways to address the challenges facing their industry through its support strategies with new ideas and train and promote outstanding employees to achieve remarkable results.

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